Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Enterprise — 3x01 — The Xindi


Captain Archer and his crew set out to gain information about the mysterious and antagonistic Xindi race.

Remarkable scenes

  • The cargo containers bouncing off the walls.
  • T'Pol: "Delicate is not a word I associate with Mr. Tucker."
  • Tucker freaking out at the Xindi slave.
  • The MACOs rescuing Archer and Trip.


My primary complaint was addressed here. The Xindi aren't exactly as stupid as I originally thought. It seems the rather ill advised move (sending the prototype to Earth) I commented on in the problems section of the last episode was caused by the remarkable disunity of the Xindi council. The Xindi themselves are sufficiently interesting for a multi episode arc; their council reminded me somewhat of the Jedi council from the Star Wars films. It's remarkable how there can be five distinct species of Xindi, especially when it's a rarity for even two distinct species to be native to a single planet. Unfortunately, the episode itself was similarly flawed to Ent: The Expanse. I liked the Trellium-D mining complex though. The administrator was most amusing. What I disliked was Archer's bad attitude and especially the Vulcan neural pressure scenes. Somehow I doubt either will go away. Hopefully they can be presented with better taste in the future.