Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Enterprise — 2x08 — The Communicator


Reed and Archer retrieve a communicator left behind on an alien planet, but are captured in the process.

Remarkable scenes

  • Reed: "Captain, my carelessness was inexcusable. I'm prepared for whatever reprimand you feel is appropriate." Archer: "How about 30 years in the brig? Or maybe a good flogging?"
  • Trip accidentally cloaking his arm.
  • The aliens examining the humans, astonished at their alien physiology.
  • T'Pol, Trip, and Travis rescuing Archer and Reed.


Another fairly unremarkable episode. It was a good idea in the sense that Archer learns another lesson about contaminating cultures, but even that is starting to get a bit old. I suppose it felt so old in this episode because it was only discussed in a limited capacity. An episode with less violence and paranoia and more discussion about consequences for these types of actions would have been a better episode. Even then, we've seen enough of it already. TNG did it to death, for example. Instead though, we got Archer and Reed getting beaten up again and a firefight in the end. Not exactly true to the spirit of Star Trek. T'Pol even admits in the end that they damaged this alien culture. And for what? So Archer could be taught a lesson he's already learned? Well, perhaps I'm wrong. Given the events of this episode, seems he hasn't learned it yet!