Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Enterprise — 2x05 — A Night in Sickbay


Archer spends a fretful night in sickbay with Porthos and Dr. Phlox.

Remarkable scenes

  • T'Pol revealing the reason for the Kreetassans taking offense... again.
  • Phlox: "Have you considered that your anger may encompass more than just Porthos and the Kreetassans?" Archer: "What?" Phlox: "How long has it been since you were intimate with a woman?" Archer: "What?" Phlox: "How long has it be--" Archer: "I heard you!"
  • Archer to Phlox: "From what you're telling me, the closest thing your people have to pets are furry little things that go well with onions!"
  • Archer discussing with Phlox his extended family.
  • This episode features another huge Phlox smile at the end.


It was nice to see that Enterprise is still searching for spare parts to repair their minefield damage and it was nice to see Archer have to deal with his intolerance of other cultures. However, the problem with this episode is the sheer number of annoying scenes. They easily outnumber the good scenes. Some of these bad scenes include Phlox trimming his toenails and grooming his long tongue. That just wasn't necessary to see. The treadmill race between Archer and T'Pol. Why does Archer feel the need to engage in pissing contests with her so often? The bat scene with Phlox was just redundant. Yes, we got the point. Sleeping in sickbay with Phlox around creates distractions. Did we really need to see another one? Throughout the episode Archer ignored the Kreetassans, in favor of throwing his temper tantrums and ranting at his crew like a child. Archer dreaming of Porthos' death and of being intimate with T'Pol was in poor taste. The climax of absurdity came with Archer's "doing the breast I can" and "send me your lips" lines. Even the scene in which Archer finally apologizes to the Kreetassans was silly, though that one's not so bad compared to the rest. Ent: A Night in Sickbay has a few good scenes and quotes. And I did like the connection between this episode and Ent: Vox Sola, showing us the Kreetassans again. But the nonstop tastelessness in this episode ruins what little fun this episode had to offer. It's really not so bad if you like watching immaturity at its best, but you know what? This is Star Trek, not a teeny bopper film.