Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Enterprise — 2x20 — Horizon


While Enterprise investigates a planetary phenomenon, Mayweather takes the opportunity to visit the cargo ship where he was born and raised.

Remarkable scenes

  • Travis hanging out at the sweet spot.
  • Travis: "Starfleet really ought to think about putting families on starships." Reed: "You must be joking!" Mayweather : "No one would ever get homesick." Reed : "Yes... well they'd better post a psychologist on board. Because I'd need one if my parents were roaming the corridors."
  • Archer joining Travis at the sweet spot.
  • Archer telling Travis about the letter of recommendation he got from Travis' father.
  • The Horizon being attacked.
  • T'Pol's reaction to the movie.
  • The Horizon battling the aliens.


Ent: Horizon is a good episode, worthy of the series. Unfortunately, it's nearly identical to Ent: Fortunate Son. Some of the nuances of the rehash could have been avoided. For one, I would have preferred Travis' father had not died and instead of a sibling conflict we could see a father son conflict. That would have been more interesting in my opinion. Most importantly this episode features yet another stubborn leader who refuses help and yet another alien attack on a cargo ship. This is beginning to strain credibility. Are all cargo ship captains stubborn luddites who are under constant attack by pirates? The episode's basic premise could have been made into something better if the writers had decided to write a bit more original story. Instead, we're shown a pretty blatant rehash that only a year ago was a pretty nicely original idea.