Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Enterprise — 2x14 — Stigma


T'Pol's standing on Enterprise is threatened when it is learned that she has contracted a deadly disease.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer and Trip meeting Phlox' second wife Feezal. She finishes the scene with one of those big Denobulan smiles.
  • Phlox and T'Pol being questioned by the Vulcan doctors.
  • Archer finding out about T'Pol's illness.
  • Trip fighting off advances from Phlox' second wife.
  • Archer approaching the Vulcan doctors demanding a hearing.
  • Trip talking to Phlox about Feezal's advances.
  • Dr. Yuris revealing how T'Pol contracted her disease to the other doctors.


This episode demonstrates more clearly than any other the vast differences in social structure on Vulcan compared to that of TOS and later. The two most shocking differences are the insinuation that mind melds can only be performed by certain Vulcans and not any Vulcan, and that the right wing Vulcans are practicing eugenics. I've said before that we've seen enough proof that the Vulcans are different than in the other shows. In a way, I found this episode redundant too. But it was also a nice idea, to show that T'Pol has incurred consequences due to the events of Ent: Fusion. This episode is also very clearly an AIDS allegory. Why find a cure when you can just let the infected die off? The disease is only transmitted by "undesirable" people anyway... Sound familiar? Despite my disagreements with the way Vulcans are being shown on Enterprise, this ended up being a nice episode. And at least the writers are being consistent with their portrayal of Vulcans. I just hope they finally get around showing us what changes them by TOS sometime soon. On a lighter note, the Denobulan subplot was much more successful. Phlox' second wife was just hilarious. I wonder how many times Trip (or Archer) has said the words "perfect gentlemen" on the show now? ;)