Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 2

Star Trek: Enterprise — 2x12 — The Catwalk


When a deadly radioactive storm threatens Enterprise, the entire crew must take refuge for eight days in a small maintenance shaft.

Remarkable scenes

  • Alien Captain: "Once we're aboard, I suggest you go to warp 7 immediately." Archer: "Our top speed is warp 5."
  • Reed mentioning that cadets used to call the EV simulator the "vomitorium."
  • Archer: "You know, there is a bright side to all of this." T'Pol: "Really?" Archer: "It's bringing the crew closer together. If you forget about the storm outside, this is almost like going on a camping trip." T'Pol: "Perhaps we can sing a few songs later."


And another improvement in the writing. Ent: The Catwalk is the most original story since Ent: Minefield and Ent: Dead Stop. I liked that there are plenty of natural phenomena in the galaxy that can endanger Enterprise. Without shields and without a top speed of faster than warp 5, we see how vulnerable the ship really is compared to even TOS standards. There was good continuity with TOS: The Naked Time regarding how long it takes to cold start a warp engine. The warp engine trivia was good all around in fact. I enjoyed seeing the catwalk itself. A nicely constructed set. I wonder if the planet they were planning to explore in this episode was the planet Trip discovered in the last episode. The descriptions sound about the same. Would have been nice to insert a line of dialog confirming this. The alien takeover wasn't exactly original, but well played. I liked how the alien enemy captain guy had read Archer's logs. I also liked how Archer faked his attempt to destroy the ship so as to convince the aliens to leave. A question remains regarding why the aliens didn't come back when Enterprise very clearly changed course after the aliens disembarked. However, their sensors could have been fooled. That would have been another nice one liner to have in the episode. Overall, pretty average stuff, but it's certainly above Enterprise's average lately!