Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x07 — The Andorian Incident


When Archer and his crew pay a friendly visit to an ancient Vulcan monastery, they stumble into an interstellar conflict between the Vulcans and their militaristic rivals, the Andorians.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer and Tucker discovering an Andorian. Wow, the makeup on the Andorians is awesome!
  • A Vulcan monk making a comment about how humans smell to T'Pol.
  • Archer, committing a faux pas: "So if anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears. No offense."
  • T'Pol's reason for not cuddling up with Archer: "The cold is preferable to the odor."
  • Archer's performance with the Andorians.
  • Hoshi and Reed's officer expressing fear of the transporter.
  • Archer discovering the hidden Vulcan base.
  • Shran to Archer: "We're in your debt."


Here's a small taste of the prequel we've been waiting for. A thoroughly underfeatured race from TOS, the Andorians, are given a bit of a backstory in this episode. Their reputation as being aggressive is upheld and they're not abused by being made into generic bad guys either. I'm not exactly happy that the Vulcans are turning out to be more and more evil, but it stands to reason that since the Andorians neighbor the Vulcans that these kinds of petty conflicts would ensue. Overall the episode was convincing. No major continuity issues this time. But the plot wasn't anything special. If it weren't for the plot twist at the end and the promise of some political intrigue as a result, I wouldn't have given this episode as high a rating. We've seen far too many hostage episodes before. I'm just glad this one had something of a purpose.