Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x04 — Strange New World


Crew members go on a survey mission to a seemingly uninhabited Earth-like planet where a mysterious alien presence sends them into a state of paranoid overdrive.

Remarkable scenes

  • Trip: "Where no dog has gone before."
  • The transporter accident.
  • T'Pol using the Vulcan neck pinch for the first time.


A nice premise goes sour. First we had the introduction of a few interesting minor crewmembers, of which I especially liked Elizabeth Cutler, then the peaceful exploration of a new world. The episode lacked contention, but it was far more pleasant than the previous two which were relatively dark and dreary. But night falls and the episode turns into a generic horror story quickly. The whole thing looked to me like an excuse to get the characters down on the planet acting all crazy. And it's not as if we haven't seen this cliche several times over in TOS, TNG, DS9, and Voyager...