Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x25 — Two Days and Two Nights


Shore leave takes some interesting twists when the Enterprise crew finally arrives at Risa, the famous pleasure planet.

Remarkable scenes

  • Tucker: "Malcolm and I plan to uh... broaden our cultural horizons." Hoshi: "Is that all you two think about?"
  • Keyla: "You should always listen to your science officer." Archer: "She'd be the first to agree with you."
  • Hoshi speaking in Risian.
  • Keyla: "I wouldn't be surprised if they're naming schools after you back on your world." Archer: "Archer Elementary. Has a nice ring to it!"
  • Tucker: "I saved the captain's life." Alien women: "I thought you were the captain." Tucker, pointing to Reed: "We rotate. He's captain next week."
  • Travis: "Have you ever been to an alien hospital?" T'Pol: "Yes. In San Francisco."
  • Cutler waking up Phlox.
  • A disoriented Phlox trying perhaps not so successfully to treat Mayweather.
  • Archer discovering that Keyla was actually a Tandaran spy. (The race from Ent: Detained)
  • Phlox very quickly falling back asleep after having treated Travis.
  • The awkward conversation at the end.


So the crew of the Enterprise finally gets a chance to experience Risa. Aside from featuring very nice continuity, the episode is filled with irony. Trip and Reed go looking for women and find themselves mugged. Archer goes looking for a woman and finds himself interrogated and drugged. And Hoshi, the only person not looking for a companion, (she even expressed disgust at the entire idea...) ends up finding one and having a great time. It's also kind of funny how Mayweather should suddenly need expert medical attention from Phlox right as Phlox decides he needs to hibernate. In fact, Phlox' very brief scenes in this episode were probably the best parts. In the end, there's a scene with Archer, Trip, Reed, and Hoshi all in a shuttlepod together having an awkward conversation about the "good time" they had. Archer, Trip, and Reed are covering for their naivety, while Hoshi is covering for her arrogance. None of them spent the time as they expected to. ;)