Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x24 — Desert Crossing


When Archer and Trip are invited to a desert-like planet by an alien leader, they discover he is a terrorist who has lured them there under false pretenses.

Remarkable scenes

  • Enterprise's trip to Risa being interrupted... again!
  • Archer citing the events of Ent: Silent Enemy as the only time he ever seriously thought about turning back to Earth.
  • The Geskana match.
  • Archer and Trip crossing the desert.
  • T'Pol, Reed, and Zobral rescuing Archer and Trip.
  • Archer: "The irony is I have a feeling his cause is worth fighting for."


I loved the guest star Zobral in this episode. Magnificent actor who played his part very well. This episode features great continuity with Ent: Detained too. I loved how Zobral heard things about Archer from the Suliban who escaped their imprisonment thanks to Archer. Zobral said he heard that Archer was an explorer who was also a great warrior and as a result of this impression he wants to enlist Archer and his crew into his fight by any means necessary. Archer is finally learning that there are consequences for his actions. It's interesting that even after his ordeal, Archer remains sympathetic to Zobral's cause, even if he doesn't agree with his methods. Not only is Archer learning there are consequences for his actions, he's learning that the Vulcan non interference policy makes a lot of sense. Maybe the episode was yet another annoying rehash of the Enterprise crew gets involved in an alien conflict plot, but this episode used it well. We got some real character development for Archer and Trip, and the desert scenery was a nice change of pace. I especially liked the Geskana match.