Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x23 — Fallen Hero


Archer is ordered to transport Vulcan Ambassador V'Lar, an early role model of T'Pol's, from a planet where her integrity has been called into question.

Remarkable scenes

  • T'Pol's expression of concern in the teaser.
  • V'Lar's strange behavior when boarding Enterprise.
  • Trip insinuating that Reed enjoys space battles.
  • Archer deciding to outrun the Mazarite ships.
  • V'Lar explaining that Earth's World War III was the reason for her mistrust of humans.
  • Archer: "Archer to Engineering." Trip: "Please tell me you're ready to slow down." Archer: "Sorry Trip, but we need a little more speed." Trip: "I don't know how much more I can give you!" Archer: "It's called a warp five engine!" Trip: "On paper!"
  • Enterprise reaching warp 5.
  • The Enterprise crew putting on a performance for the Mazarites.
  • V'Lar regarding Archer and T'Pol: "I sense a great bond between you. A bond of trust and respect. But also a bond of friendship. I think it bodes well for the future relations of our two peoples."


A nicely entertaining action episode with another embedded Vulcan mystery. But unlike episodes like Ent: Breaking the Ice, we get valuable insight into why Vulcans distrust humans so much. It's humanity's history. Having barely survived a global war, Vulcans offer their assistance but remain skeptical that Earth has really learned from its mistakes. Even the nicest Vulcan we've met so far, V'Lar, has trouble trusting humans. But alas, she does. Her giving into her preconceptions symbolizes the "bond of friendship" that humans and Vulcans will one day have.