Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x20 — Oasis


The crew is directed to a barren planet, where a derelict ship may be salvageable for supplies. But the crew quickly learns that rumors about the shipwreck being haunted may be true.

Remarkable scenes

  • T'Pol reminding Trip of his encounter on the Xyrillian ship.
  • Trip: "What if she gets hurt? What are you going to do then, program up a holographic doctor?" Ah, if only Trip could see Voyager. ;)


A rehash of DS9: Shadowplay regarding living one's life in a holographic world, with a bit of DS9: Progress. Ezral is a lot like Mullibok. And the treatment of Liana is a lot like Vina from TOS: The Cage, or Kes on Voyager. I think the rehash-o-meter is going through the roof again! As a result, we have a most unremarkable episode. In some ways, annoying too. Ent: Unexpected aggravated the holodeck invention date problem enough, but this episode contributes to it even more. Not only do we have Trip experiencing a holographic system, but he's experiencing a holographic system with holographic people, along with his entire crew! That, and they get a long hard look at the technology too. Finally, unlike Ent: Unexpected, this episode doesn't even have an excuse to show this kind of plot. Like Ent: Civilization, it could have been done on any other Trek series much more appropriately. Given all these problems and the horribly slow plot, I must declare this episode as the second biggest disappointment of the show.