Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x02 — Broken Bow, Part II


The Enterprise crew sets on a maiden voyage with a mission to return a wounded Klingon to his people.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer: "Even if it is Klang, we're going to have a tough time getting him out of there." Reed: "We could always try the transporting device." Archer: "We've risked too much to bring him back inside out."
  • Enterprise stealing a Suliban ship.
  • Reed: "They're called phase pistols. They have two settings. Stun and kill. It would be best not to confuse them."
  • Trip scraping the hull of the Suliban superstructure, just like he scraped Enterprise in part one. ;)
  • Archer and Trip disabling the Suliban superstructure.
  • The fight inside the freaky room.
  • Archer's reaction to being beamed up.


I'm really starting to like Silik. He reminds me of Scorpius from Farscape. He even calls the captain by his first name, Jon, the same way Scorpius does to Crichton. :) I wonder if the parallel is intentional. Part two wasn't as exciting as part one, mostly because what happened was largely predictable and some of it redundant. I did like more of the smaller details in part two though. We already got a little bit of the crew's aversion to the transporter when Reed and Travis discussed it in the previous episode. But I rather liked Archer's rather blatant statement of distrust of the transporter in this episode, claiming that it would bring back the user "inside out." A nice irony that Trip would be later forced to use the transporter to rescue Archer. I loved the look on Archer's face after having been transported. The symbolic meaning in Archer's dreams is finally clarified. In part one they didn't seem to serve much of a purpose. Now Archer is recalling his father's advice and applying it to try and quell his natural distrust of Vulcans and to command with no fear. I loved the scene when Henry Archer said "don't be afraid of the wind," showing a picture of T'Pol. The only thing I didn't like about this episode, besides the technical problem listed in the problems section and the things I complained about in part one was the highly inappropriate decontamination chamber scene. What can I say? That was just totally unnecessary. Overall though, I thought the pilot episode was quite good, much better than I thought it would be.