Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x16 — Shuttlepod One


During a shuttlepod mission, Tucker and Reed are cut off from Enterprise and become convinced the starship has been destroyed and that their days are numbered.

Remarkable scenes

  • Trip and Reed picking on each other's heritage.
  • Trip complaining about Reed's pessimism.
  • Reed dreaming about T'Pol.
  • Trip and Reed getting roaring drunk and discussing T'Pol.
  • Trip and Reed blowing up the impulse engine in an attempt to attract Enterprise's attention.
  • Trip trying to sacrifice himself to save Reed.


Like Ent: Dear Doctor, this episode is a mixed bag. I loved the episode, but some of the plot logic just didn't make any sense. Why didn't Enterprise retrieve Shuttlepod One immediately after the accident with the Tesnians instead of abandoning them to the asteroid field? Maybe the Tesnians couldn't survive on Enterprise very long and getting them back to Tesnia as soon as possible was the only way to keep them alive, but this is never explicitly stated, nor does Enterprise ever even contact shuttlepod one to explain the change of plans until well after they're underway! For this annoyance, I subtract points, but beyond this the episode is a lot of fun. Watching Trip and Reed pick at each other on that shuttle was some great humor, especially after they got drunk and started discussing T'Pol. With some more careful writing, this episode could have been above average easily. I'm also kind of annoyed that we never got to see the Tesnians.