Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x14 — Sleeping Dogs


T'Pol, Reed and Hoshi get stranded on a Klingon "shipwreck" sinking inside a gas giant. Archer tries to convince a captured Klingon to help before his crewmates get crushed in the intense pressure of the planet's atmosphere.

Remarkable scenes

  • Hoshi's target practice.
  • Reed: "We can travel faster than the speed of light. You'd think we could find a cure for the common cold!"
  • Hoshi, translating a console: "Something they call photon torpedoes?" Reed: "Photon torpedoes? Never heard of anything like that. What else?"
  • Bu'Kah: "I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire!" Archer: "From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do."
  • Hoshi's reaction to the Klingon galley.
  • Hoshi and T'Pol stumbling on targs.
  • Archer doing his Klingon homework.
  • T'Pol, Reed, and Hoshi using the Klingon photon torpedoes to push the ship up in altitude.


A reasonably entertaining episode, but devoid of consequences, which is annoying. As Archer complains, why does his help always go unappreciated? Archer has helped Klingons three times now and received no gratitude. Did the war with the Klingons start because Earth kept being really nice guys around the Klingons? What we're shown hasn't been very credible so far.