Star Trek: Enterprise reviews — season 1

Star Trek: Enterprise — 1x11 — Cold Front


While Enterprise joins an alien pilgrimage to witness a religious stellar occurrence, Archer finds himself again faced against the Suliban warrior Silik.

Remarkable scenes

  • Archer: "Looks like we could be having guests. Tell chef to prepare... something."
  • Trip describing how the warp engines work.
  • Daniels revealing himself.
  • Archer: "Are you human?" Daniels: "More or less."
  • T'Pol denying that time travel exists.
  • Daniels making vague remarks about the future of Earth.
  • Daniels' little walk through walls device.
  • Silik confronting "Jon."


This is the first episode since the pilot which deals with this Temporal Cold War thing. Silik's return is a welcome one, and this episode introduces a new player in the Temporal Cold War, Daniels, who is apparently killed. This episode blurs the image of who's good and who's evil though in the Temporal Cold War. The man who Silik is working for wanted to see the Klingon Empire destroyed, but also wanted to save Enterprise here. My first instincts told me he was a Romulan from the future. But if this were the case, why would he want to save Enterprise? Daniels appeared to be a more advanced version of Captain Braxton and crew from Voy: Relativity, but again, it's hard to be sure of any of this. Cold Front was a sufficiently entertaining episode, but the ending was anticlimactic. This episode may be worth more points than I'm giving it, but it's hard to rate an episode whose ending raises more questions than it answers. And to be honest, I'm not sure if a Temporal Cold War is a particularly good idea for Enterprise. This is Star Trek, not Time Trek.