Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x04 — Take Me Out to the Holosuite


A group of Deep Space Nine rookies answer Sisko's challenge to try and beat a Vulcan baseball team.

Filler rating: good filler

Strictly speaking this episode is not relevant to the overarching plot of DS9, but it's highly entertaining and among the finest episode fo the entire series nevertheless.

Remarkable scenes

  • The opening scene introducing Captain Solok of the T'Kumbra. Vulcan arrogance at its best! If I didn't know better, I'd swear the guy was Romulan.
  • The particularly pathetic performance of the team during the initial tryouts.
  • Sisko asking Odo to be the umpire.
  • I love the scene when Kira walks by the security office as Odo is practicing his umpire moves.
  • Sisko telling the Solok story.
  • Solok eliminating the spectators.
  • Worf and Sisko arguing with Odo the umpire.
  • Sisko restoring Rom's status in the team and restoring the crowd.
  • Rom's accidental bunt and the subsequent run scored because of it.
  • Odo throwing out the Solok.
  • Sisko and crew's victory celebration.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Is seen in the bar after Sisko kicks Rom of the team. 2. In the bar after Sisko declares "manufactured triumph."


Hilarious. The "Logicians" vs. the "Niners". This episode is both a spectacle of marvelous humor and a fantastic display of camaraderie. The episode is also highly controversial. Let's have a look why. Here we are, in the middle of the Dominion war, and this ship the T'Kumbra, a ship of all Vulcans, docks on DS9 for repairs. Captain Solok, however, has an ulterior motive for coming to Deep Space Nine. He has had a long time rivalry with Sisko for many years and wished to challenge Sisko in his favorite game. Many say that this episode which deals with a Baseball game has nothing whatsoever to do with the Dominion war and that it merely serves to waste time; that it's nothing but filler. While in some ways I agree, the episode couldn't have been better filler. The conflict between Sisko and Solok mirrors that of the Dominion war. The Federation faces an enemy many times more powerful than itself, yet they continue to fight and continue to take pleasure in whatever small victories they can achieve. The "small victory" in this episode, or rather the "manufactured triumph" parallels wonderfully the rivalry Solok seems to have manufactured over the years. Sisko wanted to let it go, but Solok didn't. Also, this episode parallels TOS in many ways. The rivalry between Solok and Sisko reminded me a lot of the (admittedly less intense) rivalry between Spock and McCoy. Finally, I think it's remarkable to point out that this episode made extensive use of the holosuites without featuring a malfunction. Overall, this is one of the most successful and intelligently written humor episodes ever written.