Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x03 — Afterimage


In addition to coping with the memories of her "past lives," Ezri Dax must deal with the range of reactions her presence generates on Deep Space Nine.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Ezri: "It's a strange sensation, dying. No matter how many times it happens to you, you never get used to it."
  • Quark: "You're a therapist?" Ezri: "Why does everyone sound so surprised when they hear that?"
  • O'Brien and Bashir discussing plans for their battle of the Alamo holosuite program. Odo is going to be General Santa Anna. How fitting. :)
  • Sisko to Dax: "What are you gonna learn in the next 3 months that you haven't already learned in the last 300 years?"
  • Quark declaring to Julian that he will win over Ezri first.
  • Ezri's "misplaced guilt" conversation with Garak.
  • Ezri revealing to Sisko that he intimidates Worf.
  • Ezri to Bashir: "If Worf hadn't come along, it would have been you."
  • Worf freaking out at Bashir and Quark.
  • Garak's insults toward Ezri... ouch! Garak: "Now get out of here... before I say something unkind."
  • O'Brien visits Worf with a bottle of blood wine. Worf's reaction: "Oh no, not again."
  • Ezri discovering the root of Garak's distress.
  • Jake: "She is cute..." I would tend to agree.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. First scene, Ezri talks to him. 2. Is present at Ezri's promotional ceremony.


Is this the "let's pick on the new girl" episode? Holy crap. Worf tells Ezri he doesn't want anything to do with her, Sisko lectures her and is generally hard on her, and Garak is downright cruel. Granted everything's resolved in the end, I can certainly see why she was so eager to leave the station. What an emotional roller coaster. The episode presents a convincing story for not only Ezri, but Garak as well, whose claustrophobia makes a welcome cameo. I was pleased that the writers let his part of the story develop beyond the surface. I much enjoyed the revelation that the root of his distress was the fact that by working for Starfleet, Garak has been causing the deaths of countless Cardassian soldiers. Aside from this, the relationship between Worf and Dax as well as the one between Quark / Bashir and Dax is handled nicely; the writers had to make an episode dealing with all these things and they excelled. And I'll be honest with you. I think Dax 2.0 is a significant upgrade. ;)