Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x26 — What You Leave Behind, Part II


The confrontation with the Dominion comes to a climax, as does Sisko's fate.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Female shapeshifter: "My loyal Weyoun. The only solid I have ever trusted."
  • Damar and his group charging into the Cardassian Central Command building.
  • Garak murdering Weyoun.
  • Winn poisoning Dukat.
  • Seeing Cardassia Prime completely destroyed in an external shot.
  • Odo meeting with the female shapeshifter.
  • Odo linking with the female shapeshifter, curing her, and making her finally understand the solids the way Odo does.
  • Martok: "This is a moment worth savoring. To victory! Hard fought and well earned." Martok kept the promise he made at this time last year. Martok, Sisko, and Ross shared blood wine on Cardassia Prime.
  • Martok, regarding the dead Cardassians: "Bajorans would call this poetic justice."
  • Bashir and Garak discussing the aftermath of the war for Cardassia.
  • The female shapeshifter officially surrendering aboard DS9.
  • Ross: "Today the guns are silent. The great tragedy has ended. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exhortation of triumph. From both we have learned there can be no going back. We must move forward to preserve in peace what we've won in war."
  • Worf becoming Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire.
  • Sisko confronting Dukat.
  • Sisko to Dukat: "First the Dominion, now the Pah-wraith. You have a talent for picking the losing sides!"
  • Dukat killing Kai Winn.
  • Sisko plunging himself and Dukat into the Pah-wraith's fire.
  • Sisko's meeting with Kassidy in the Celestial Temple, declaring that his life isn't linear, that he could be back at any time, future or past, and that he will be back, for the prophets still have much for him to do.
  • Chief O'Brien finding the little toy soldier he thought Julian lost.
  • The flashbacks.
  • Quark's last scene with Odo.
  • Odo curing his people and rejoining the Great Link.
  • Lieutenant Nog. Cool!
  • Kira examining Sisko's baseball. He left it... he'll be back...
  • Quark, after being accosted by Kira for setting up gambling pools on who's going to be the next Kai: "The more things change, the more they stay the same." These were the last words spoken on DS9.
  • Jake and Kira observing the wormhole as the camera zooms away from the station...
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Is shown during the flashback to DS9: Badda-Bing Badda-Bang. 2. Sells Morn a compound that's "guaranteed to grow hair within a week." 3. Quark's last line, the final words spoken on DS9, were addressed to Morn.


Even when the founder is captured, the war is still not over, for the Jem'Hadar and the Breen will fight to the last man. She was so bitter, she was willing to let the war drag on until every one of her soldiers were killed before she surrendered. But Odo, in his everlasting forgiveness for his people, was able to finally make the female shapeshifter understand solids as he does when he linked with her and cured her. And so ends the Dominion war. The war was wrapped up early on, which I liked. It gave the episode time to wrap up the Prophets vs. Pah-wraith conflict that's been building as well; Dukat and Sisko duke it out one last time. As a result, Dukat burns in "hell" with the Pah-wraiths for eternity and Sisko is elevated to "heaven" in the Celestial Temple. I like how the writers left the "fate" of his character relatively open ended. He may, no, he will return! Worf leaves the station too, going to the Klingon Empire to spend some time with Martok as the Federation ambassador to Kronos. And O'Brien leaves as well, returning to Earth to become a professor at Starfleet academy, I'm sure much to Keiko's delight. She never liked DS9. The finale seems to capture everything that made DS9 so great over the years. The attention to detail in the various send offs for the characters was great; I must say I truly feel more satisfied with this finale than I have with any other before. Even if we never see a DS9 movie, or more episodes depicting the station, I'll be happy with how the show ended. This episode gives us real closure for the first time ever in Star Trek. And so ends Star Trek Deep Space Nine, which is in my opinion the greatest Star Trek series ever done.