Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x21 — When It Rains...


Kai Winn discovers how to unleash evil, while Damar's rebel movement gains ground.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Sisko asking Kira to go behind enemy lines and teach a bunch of Cardassians how to be resistance fighters. Ah the irony.
  • Bashir asking Odo for a "cup of goo."
  • Bashir jumping to conclusions about Ezri's relationship with Worf, then discovering Odo has the disease the founders have.
  • Gowron assuming command of the Klingon fleet, much to Martok's discontent.
  • Bashir getting the runaround trying to get Odo's medical scan from Starfleet headquarters.
  • Kira, Odo, and Garak arriving at the headquarters for the Cardassian resistance and offering advice.
  • Bashir discovering that he was sent a fake medical file of Odo, after Sisko used his intelligence clearance to get him the file he was previously denied.
  • Bashir discovering that Section 31 infected Odo with the virus so that he would pass it onto the founders and infect them too.


So Odo has had the founders' disease for a while. He must have infected Laas when he linked with him. Well. Poor Laas. So much for him and the new great link he wanted to form! This episode is another transitional episode in the long arc that's been developing. We get to see Kira, Odo, and Garak begin assist the Cardassian rebellion. Some of the Cardassians, as predicted, hate their new allies. Gowron assumes direct control over the Klingon fleet and begins making tactical errors, jeopardizing the entire war, Winn and Dukat are still attempting to free the Pah-wraiths, and Bashir is unable to realize Ezri's feelings for him because he's too busy dealing with Odo's infection. The complex story moves along nicely; there's nothing spectacular about this episode, though nothing wrong with it either. Pretty average stuff. But as I said before, this arc is setting up for a huge climax, and I'm sure Odo's illness will play a major role.