Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x19 — Strange Bedfellows


Kasidy must adjust to her new role in life, while new Dominion alliances are formed.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • The female shapeshifter meeting with the Breen.
  • Martok telling Sisko the story of his pet Targ.
  • Ezri, whilst hanging upside down as a prisoner on a Jem'Hadar ship: "I hate to say it, but this is doing wonders for my back." Worf: "I doubt that is what our captors had in mind."
  • Ezri: "You have the biggest ego of any man I have ever known!" Worf: "Considering how many men you have known, that is quite a statement!"
  • Worf killing Weyoun 7. I love Damar's reaction.
  • Kai Winn's vision from the Pah-wraiths.
  • Damar's reaction to meeting Weyoun 8.
  • Bashir, somewhat speechless about Ezri in Quark's.
  • Dukat revealing to Winn that he is working with the Pah-wraiths.
  • Damar getting pissed at Weyoun for letting the Klingons wipe out 500,000 Cardassian troops.
  • Worf and Ezri finally working out their problems.
  • Damar, regarding Weyoun being pessimistic about being summoned to see the founder: "Oh, I'm sure she'll understand. But if she doesn't, I'll look forward to meeting Weyoun 9!"
  • Winn describing her doubts about her faith to Dukat.


Damar throws his Kanar at the mirror and helps Worf and Ezri to escape Cardassia. Not only is he shedding his alcoholism, but he's shedding his desire for power and conquest so that he may save his people. Rarely do we see such profound character evolution. The "strange bedfellows" described in the episode title are of course Dukat and Winn; it also describes the alliance between the Dominion and the Breen. And with some loose interpretation it could describe Damar and the Federation, for it seems now he's committed to undermining the Dominion. While the episode pacing has picked up slightly, it's still a bit slow; it seems clear now that the writers are building up to quite a climax in this ever growing and ever complex plot arc.