Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x17 — Penumbra


Worf is missing in action and Ezri takes it upon herself to find him.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Ezri talking about Captain Boday, a Gallamite with a transparent skull. Bashir: "Personally, I don't know what Jadzia ever saw in the man." O'Brien: "Well, his brains."
  • Weyoun and Damar discussing a Ketracel White facility being run by the Son'a. A nice reference to Star Trek IX: Insurrection.
  • I also like the nice reference to DS9: Treachery, Faith, and the Great River regarding the founder's illness and her order to drop the temperature in their primary military facility. It's fitting that Damar, a Cardassian, because Cardassians love the heat would complain.
  • Ezri's explanation for why she came to rescue Worf: "You're a fellow officer. I would have done the same for Kira or Julian." A nice reference to the line Worf used on Ezri in DS9: Field of Fire.
  • Jake: "Best man, huh? That means I get to plan the bachelor party!"
  • Ezri's and Worf's Runabout being attacked and destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighters and their subsequent escape onto a nearby planet.
  • Ezri and Worf arguing over hunting, Jadzia, and Boday.
  • The sight of a Breen ship. Cool!
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Sits next to Ezri in the bar.


Sisko decides he wants to marry Kassidy (though his mother doesn't want him to), and Ezri and Worf finally confront their feelings for each other. And we get to see a Breen ship. ;) Okay, well maybe the Breen didn't play such a major role, but with the cliffhanger at the end of this episode, I'm sure they will in the next one. This episode is remarkable in that it feels as though the writers are finally beginning to get to the point, ending the constant supply of relatively filler episodes we've had recently. Even though a few of the previous filler type episodes were quite good, DS9: Field of Fire especially, I'm still glad to be getting back to the war. Something big is brewing in the Dominion. The disease continues to wreak havoc on the founders and the female Changeling wanted a subspace communicator installed in her quarters. I smell desperation.