Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x16 — Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges


On the eve of Dr. Bashir's departure for a conference on the Romulan homeworld, he's visited by Sloan, the director of Section 31, a secret and unsanctioned extremist entity within Starfleet Intelligence.

Filler rating: not filler

This episode picks up on the Section 31 plot line established last season.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bashir and Garak discussing Romulus.
  • Sloan predicting that in the aftermath of the Dominion war, the Romulans and the Federation will be the only major powers left.
  • An Intrepid class ship! A nice way to cut down on sets and ship models, just reuse Voyager's sets. :) A nice homage too.
  • Bashir's meeting with Koval.
  • Bashir discovering what's really going on.


Dr. Bashir has really bad luck with medical conferences. He was captured by the Dominion on his way to one, he was captured by Sloan on his way to one, and now he is duped into participating in a spy mission on Romulus while on his way to one. So Section 31 finally has an assignment for Julian. I was wondering when the writers would revisit this. It's the usual complicated mess of politics one would expect from an organization like Section 31. Unfortunately, the actual story used by the set up in this episode isn't very good. There are interesting tidbits, such as seeing another Intrepid class ship, and seeing lots of nice shots of Romulus, and the political intrigue is even mildly interesting. But when you add it all up, you get something that barely measures up to average. I expected something more profound from Section 31. Not routine political meddling.