Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x14 — Chimera


Odo returns from a conference with an unexpected guest: a Changeling who tracked and boarded his runabout.

Filler rating: bad filler

This episode is a fun concept, but they don't really go anywhere with it.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Changeling's appearance.
  • Laas: "Odo, we linked. I know the truth. You stayed here because of Kira. If it weren't for her, you would be with our people. War or no war, you would be a founder."
  • Laas' rude behavior, insulting humanoids.
  • Laas' confrontation with the Klingons.
  • Quark advising Odo about Laas.
  • Laas: "What higher flattery is there? I who can be anything choose to be like you."
  • I love Kira's lie to Sisko about how Laas escaped. "He turned into some kind of plasma energy and force his way through" the forcefield.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Is present when Laas is "being fog" on the promenade.


An interesting idea for an episode wrecked by filler syndrome. Introducing the Laas character, the second of the hundred for Odo to meet, was long overdue. Unfortunately just as before in DS9: The Begotten, the writers just didn't want to introduce another Changeling character. So we get a disgruntled Laas who hates humanoids and leaves as soon as he gets a chance. To me, this was a wasted chance to do something cool with the character. Imagine how the founders would have reacted to meeting Laas? Or imagine what Starfleet could have done with another allied Changeling? The only interesting thing this episode contributes to the story is the revelation that without Kira, Odo would be a founder regardless of the war. I think that really says something about Odo's character.