Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 7

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 7x13 — Field of Fire


Ezri must solve a series of murders by summoning Joran, one of her previous incarnations.

Filler rating: good filler

One of DS9's best episodes, but nothing here is relevant to the overarching plot.

Remarkable scenes

  • Ilario: "You know something, Lieutenant, you're very beautiful." Ezri: "And you're very drunk." Ilario: "True enough. But in the morning, I'll be sober, and you'll still be beautiful."
  • Ezri's dream, featuring a brief piano performance by Joran.
  • Bashir and O'Brien discussing weapon fetishes and how some historical men would give female names to their guns changing the relationship from owner and object to something resembling man and woman. O'Brien in response: "Maybe I'll start calling my tricorder Sally."
  • O'Brien realizing that the killer is using displaced targeting.
  • O'Brien's melon demonstration.
  • Ezri summoning Joran.
  • Joran: "Handsome weapon." Ezri: "If you say so." Joran: "Come now, even you have to admire the aesthetic qualities inherent in its design, it conveys a sense of danger, of power, just looking from the trigger to the muzzle conjures up images of death. Take it down."
  • Ezri using the TR-116 like the killer would, on Joran's advice, attempting to come up with a personality profile of the killer.
  • Ezri talking to herself, or rather Joran, in public.
  • Joran, regarding Quark: "How I'd love to slip a knife between his ribs."
  • Ezri almost killing the man Odo was chasing because of Joran.
  • Ezri discovering that the killer is targeting people who have pictures of laughing people in their quarters.
  • I love the way onlookers kind of stare at Ezri when she talks to Joran in public, wondering who she's talking to.
  • Joran staring into the face of the Vulcan on the turbolift, sure that he'd found the killer.
  • Ezri looking up Chu'lak's history, then using the TR-116 to spy on him in his quarters only to discover that he picked her as his next victim!
  • Ezri shooting Chu'lak.
  • Ezri: "Tell me, why did you do it!" Chu'lak: "Because logic demanded it."
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Walks down an empty and dark promenade with a giggling woman. 2. Is seen very briefly when Ezri fights the man Odo was chasing in Quark's.


Introducing the TR-116 with a microtransporter modification. The perfect assassin's weapon. It's a shame that we didn't get to hear Garak's opinion of the weapon. I think he would have been proud. Half the fun of this episode for me is my fascination over the ingenious weapon design. The other half is the wonderful character development we get for Ezri, finally. Joran was an underused concept when Jadzia was Dax, thankfully he gets another shot here and he excels as the murderous madman we thought he was. This is an episode which gets just about every detail right, Ezri as a psychologist is doing her job assisting Odo in a murder investigation, Ezri as a Trill is using the knowledge of her past lives, including that of Joran, and O'Brien the engineer discovers what the murder weapon must have been and builds a replica. For once, everyone is perfectly in character! The musical score is exceptionally good, better than usual, the overall tenseness of the episode is nicely high, and finally the murderer was a perfect fit. I absolutely loved the idea of a Vulcan that hates emotion and his singular reason for why he was doing this was just the perfect thing to say, "because logic demanded it." Overall, this is Ezri's best episode and one of my all time favorites of the series.