Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x09 — Statistical Probabilities


With the secret of his genetically-engineered past out in the open, Bashir is asked to work with a group of others like him.

Filler rating: not filler

This is the first episode in which we see Damar in his new position. It also introduces Bashir's "mutant" friends who will recur later and their various predictions about the war has some intriguingly accurate foreshadowing; some of it is correct, though not all of it.

Remarkable scenes

  • The opening scene. I especially liked Jack.
  • Bashir meeting the "mutants." I especially like Jack's "test" of Bashir's mental abilities.
  • Bashir discussing the "mutants" with the senior staff and the debate that ensued.
  • Jack: "Well why don't you fix it, dear fellow, dear fellow, well why don't you fix it before I go mad!"
  • The "mutants" inferring all kinds of correct information just from Damar's speech.
  • Patrick staring into Weyoun. Hilarious if you don't know it's all holographic on first viewing.
  • Bashir presenting his and the mutants' predictions and analyses to Sisko.
  • The whole dancing scene.
  • According to Jack, O'Brien is "uncomplicated."
  • Sisko's reaction to Bashir's suggestion that the Federation should surrender to the Dominion because there's no hope of winning.
  • Patrick walking up to a random person and saying, "I'm Patrick!"
  • Weyoun: "Odo!" Odo: "Yes, I know, I honor you with my presence."
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Behind O'Brien in the bar when Bashir tries to convince O'Brien that the Federation should surrender.


This is a great episode with a remarkable set of new guest stars. A group of four genetically engineered "mutants" with mental disorders from their genetic background are taken to the station in the hopes that Dr. Bashir can help them assimilate better into society. Together, the five start working for Starfleet Intelligence, making grandiose predictions about the Dominion. As the episode progresses, their predictions get more and more grandiose to the point where they predict the Federation can never beat the Dominion. In the end, Bashir convinces them that their assumptions might have been flawed, and that they can't predict everything. The experience, however, leaves them feeling like they've finally contributed something, as some of their analyses were very useful to Starfleet. Most remarkable about the episode though was the characters. First there's Jack, an energetic, athletic, egocentric, super smart, fast talking guy unstable guy who seemed unable to control his behavior. Then there's Lauren, who seems to be sexually attracted to every man she sees... to the extreme; unable to think of anything else. Then there's Patrick. An old man who still acts like a child. And finally, Sarina, who seems unable to focus her attention on anything. She just stands and stares. All things considered, this is one of the most original and entertaining episodes I've seen in a long time.