Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x06 — Sacrifice of Angels


Dukat loses a daughter, while the Alpha Quadrant gains a victory.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • The sight of the two fleets in formation before the battle. Impressive stuff.
  • O'Brien: "Canon to the right of them. Canon to the left of them. Canon in front of them. Volleyed and thundered." Bashir: "Stormed at with shot and shell. Boldly they rode and well into the jaws of death. Into the mouth of hell rode the six hundred."
  • Sisko ordering the fighters to attack.
  • The entire fleet charging into the battle.
  • Dukat: "War is such thirsty business, don't you agree?" Weyoun: "Perhaps if you didn't talk so much, your throat wouldn't get so dry."
  • Dukat and Weyoun discussing the Bajoran occupation, the current occupation, and future plans. I love how they casually discuss whether or not to completely wipe out Earth's population to quell possible resistance. This conversation really shows you how insane Dukat is. Weyoun? He's a bit twisted. But Dukat is a maniac.
  • Watching ships get picked off left and right as the Defiant charges through the lines.
  • The Klingons showing up and joining the battle.
  • The Defiant breaking through enemy lines.
  • Quark rescuing Kira, Leeta, Rom, and Jake.
  • Dukat detonating the minefield literally one second before Rom disabled the station's weapons.
  • I love the speechless looks on the Defiant bridge as they watch the mines go one by one.
  • Sisko: "Take us into the wormhole." O'Brien: "What the hell. Only going to meet a couple thousand Dominion ships." Dax: "One ship against an entire fleet? That's a hell of a plan B!"
  • Female shapeshifter: "Send a message to our listening posts in the gamma quadrant. Tell the reinforcements that the alpha quadrant awaits them."
  • Sisko charging the Defiant into the wormhole.
  • Sisko to the prophets: "You want to be gods? Then be gods. I need a miracle. Bajor needs a miracle. Stop those ships!"
  • Weyoun, realizing they've been defeated somehow: "Time to start packing!"
  • Damar murdering Ziyal.
  • Sisko and crew reboarding the station.


And so ends the DS9 occupation arc. This episode is the biggest roller coaster ride ever displayed on Star Trek so far. The massive space battle is indescribably awesome, and the immense use of characters was truly sublime. This episode is everything the conclusion to this magnificent arc should have been and more. Aside from general declarations of the episode's awesomeness, there are some interesting details I'd like to point out. For one, I enjoyed watching Garak fight for the Federation all through the arc. From Call to Arms and onward, Garak chose his side very clearly. He's no longer the ambiguous player of both sides he was in the first season. Another detail I enjoyed was how it was Odo and the Bajoran security officers that ultimately allowed Rom to sabotage the station's weapons and kept the Defiant from being destroyed. If you remember back to earlier in this arc, Dukat and Damar expressed dismay about the idea of armed Bajoran security officers on the station. Seems their fears were justified. :) Last, but not least though is Dukat. The way he fell apart at the end of this episode was absolutely perfect. He went from being absolutely sure of victory, to confused, to realizing he'd been defeated, to despair over Damar murdering his daughter, to totally insane and disconnected with reality in the span of a few minutes of on-screen plot. One of the most brilliant performances I've seen on Star Trek. When you add it all up, this episode is a stroke of utter brilliance.