Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x25 — The Sound of Her Voice


The Defiant unknowingly picks up a time-displaced distress call.

Filler rating: good filler

There is foreshadowing about what will take place in the next episode here, but it is not actually necessary to move onto the next episode.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo badgering Quark about station regulations and his sudden mood change as soon Kira walked in.
  • Cusak playing a practical joke on Bashir.
  • Odo eavesdropping on Quark's conversation wtih Jake.
  • Quark believing he beat Odo.
  • Odo and Kira letting Quark win for once.
  • Seeing the Defiant's shuttlepod!
  • Sisko discovering the long dead corpse of Cusak.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 285. No good deed ever goes unpunished.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. First scene. 2. In Quark's the second time Odo walks in. 3. Is present the third time Odo walks into Quark's bar to show the gift he picked out for Kira to Quark. 4. Is present in the bar when Odo takes Kira to the holosuite.


A moody episode on the Defiant, a fun episode on DS9. The point about how DS9 could lose a crewmember to the war at any time is well made and the foreshadowing is effective and moving. It was also awesome to see the Defiant's shuttlepod. But the real fun in this episode was the story that developed between Quark and Odo. This episode is all about respect, and in a quirky way, Odo has a deep respect for Quark and visa versa. I've talked about their half adversarial half friendship relationship before, and this episode exemplifies it. I almost couldn't believe it; Odo let Quark get away with smuggling out of a sense of guilt. He felt he owed Quark something. I also found it rather amusing that Odo didn't let Quark know he was letting him get away with it; rather he let Quark think he won. He did this because Quark told Jake in confidence that he respects Odo and he tries to be his friend when he can. The circle of respect is complete.