Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x22 — Valiant


Jake and Nog find themselves on board a rogue starship, piloted by a fresh-faced crew of Starfleet cadets.

Filler rating: good filler

A fun, action-packed episode, but nothing significant in the story arc actually takes place.

Remarkable scenes

  • A squadron of Jem'Hadar ships attacking the starbase.
  • The Valiant's appearance.
  • The Red Squad crew telling their story to Jake and Nog.
  • Collins describing what it's like to live on Luna.
  • Jake being accosted by Watters and Farris.
  • The battle with the battleship.
  • The destruction of the Valiant.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. First scene.


An episode exploring groupthink. Some of the greatest tragedies in our histories were the result of groupthink, a consensus driven mindset in which achieving unity in decisions is more important than making the best decisions. In this case, Captain Watters was a bad captain. He was driven too much by his pride and the crew blindly followed him, despite the fact that some of them knew he was in error. This leads me back to quote Tuvok made in Voy: Year of Hell. He told Seven of Nine never to question the captain because "the captain is always right." At what level is groupthink tolerated and even promoted in Starfleet? This tragic story is but one example of how powerfully negative groupthink can be and it's very touching and well acted all across. Nicely done.