Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x20 — His Way


A new Holosuite program gives birth to "Vic," a 60's crooner who also provides advice for the lovelorn.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • The crew's reaction to meeting Vic.
  • Odo "playing" the piano.
  • Vic describing how difficult it was to get an holographic image of Kira. He got it from one of Julian's spy programs ;) Good connections with DS9: Meridian and DS9: Our Man Bashir.
  • Vic transferring himself to the other holosuite to talk to Kira.
  • Vic setting up Kira and Odo.
  • Odo figuring out that he's been on a date with the real Kira all along.
  • Odo and Kira's frustrated public display of affection on the promenade.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Is sitting at the bar when Bashir walks in to talk to Quark. 2. Can be seen barely when Kira goes into Quark's. 3. Watches Kira and Odo kiss.


Well, all I can say about this episode is "finally!" DS9 fans have had to wait for five years for Odo and Kira to finally realize they're in love with one another. While I'm not fond of the episode in general, nor am I all that fond of Vic Fontaine, the fact that this episode finally brings Kira and Odo together is worth a few extra points. Talk about tying up a loose end.