Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x02 — Rocks and Shoals


Sisko and his beleaguered crew are captured by the Jem'Hadar.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • The teaser. Thrown right into the action!
  • Seeing the Jem'Hadar ship sinking into the ocean background.
  • O'Brien lamenting about tearing his pants, then laughing as he realizes that it's the least of his problems.
  • Nog to Garak: "You tied me up and threatened to kill me." Good connection with DS9: Empok Nor.
  • Sisko to Remata'Klan regarding his proposal: "Would you make a deal like that?" Remata'Klan: "No." Sisko: "Then why should I?" Remata'Klan: "You shouldn't."
  • I like how when Nog and Garak are released, Nog walks ahead of Garak. ;)
  • Yassim committing suicide.
  • Keevan betraying his men.
  • Everyone debating the morality of slaughtering the Jem'Hadar in this manner. Sisko: "Given the choice between us and them there is no choice!"
  • Kira, lamenting about becoming a collaborator: "Half the Alpha Quadrant is out there right now fighting for my freedom, but not me."
  • Sisko to Remata'Klan regarding his "decisive advantage": "To fight a battle under these circumstances would serve no purpose."
  • Sisko: "Do you really want to give up your life for the 'order of things'?" Remata'Klan: "It is not my life to give up, captain. And it it never was."
  • O'Brien: "What'd he say?" Sisko: "All the wrong things."
  • The slaughter.
  • Keevan showing up just after the slaughter, very pleased with himself.


An episode exploring the morality of conduct during war. On the station, the monotony of Kira's daily routine is depicted and we begin to see her slowly realize she's becoming a collaborator. In the end, she decides to go against Sisko's advice and form a new resistance after Vedek Yassim kills herself publicly to protest the Dominion occupation. More interesting though is Sisko and crew's situation stranded on the planet they crashed on. The Vorta leader, Keevan, decided to betray his own men by giving Sisko and crew his exact plan of attack so that instead of being stranded on the planet, he could surrender as a prisoner of war and spend the war resting comfortably in a Federation prison. Sisko is left with the choice of whether or not to go through with Keevan's plan. He doesn't like the shady morality of it, but he realizes that "given the choice between us and them there is no choice." He tries one last time to appeal to the Jem'Hadar's wits, informing them that Keevan betrayed them and that they'll surely all die if they decide to fight this battle. But instead of surrendering, we're shown instead just how insanely loyal Jem'Hadar soldiers are. They knew Keevan betrayed them and they walked into their own deaths knowingly, and proudly. Because obeying the command structure and the "order of things" means more to them than their own lives. A fantastic episode.