Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x17 — Wrongs Darker than Death or Night


Kira finds out some shocking news about her mother.

Filler rating: not filler

Unfortunately without watching this episode, you won't understand an important conversation between Dukat and Kira which takes place in a much more plot-relevant episode next season.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien and Bashir discussing participating in a possible new holosuite program: the battle of the Alamo.
  • Kira as a comfort woman telling a Cardassian officer why she hates Cardassians so much.
  • The Cardassian officer predicting exactly what Dukat would say.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Behind Quark when he gives flowers to Kira.


Another "flashback to Terok Nor" episode, and all because Kira wants to know if Gul Dukat and her mother were really lovers. Not that I'm insensitive, but isn't this all a little pointless? The only contention the episode presents is the possibility that Kira might alter the future, but as the episode progresses, it becomes clear that the only thing she could do is kill Dukat or her mother. She'd either alter several seasons of Star Trek's history, or erase herself from history. Both options were obviously not going to happen, so the ending was obvious and anticlimactic. A total dud.