Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x16 — Change of Heart


Worf must choose between Starfleet duty and his wife.

Filler rating: good filler

A decently entertaining story, but not relevant to the overarching story of DS9.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf and O'Brien judging Tongo.
  • Worf and Dax discussing their honeymoon plans. Worf wanted to go to the Vulcan Forge. Nice reference to TAS: Yesteryear, and other episodes.
  • Worf: "I have a sense of humor! On the Enterprise I was considered to be quite amusing." Dax: "That must have been one dull ship." Worf: "That is a joke! I get it! It is not funny. But I get it."
  • O'Brien and Bashir playing Tongo.
  • Bashir playing Quark at Tongo. I love how Quark manipulated Bashir into losing by appealing to his love for Dax.
  • Worf explaining to Sisko his motives for leaving Lasaran behind and saving Jadzia.


A moving story showing how dedicated Worf is to his wife. It must have been incredibly difficult for Worf to make the choice between saving family and saving the mission, and I'm sure it was hard to have Sisko chew him out in the end like that. I rather liked how Sisko told him he would have done the same thing though. The B plot regarding Quark and his unending Tongo winning streak was nice as well for some light hearted humor to cheer up a depressing story. I just wish that Quark had actually lost in the end instead of manipulating Bashir so cruelly. In the end, it ended up being fairly average and borderline filler.