Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 6

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 6x10 — The Magnificent Ferengi


The Grand Nagus calls with news that Quark's mother, Ishka, has been captured by the Dominion.

Filler rating: partial filler

Outside of Keevan's ultimate fate, there is nothing significant here from a continuity standpoint. But I strongly recommend watching the episode anyway simply due to how hysterically entertaining it is.

Remarkable scenes

  • The Starfleet officers stealing Quark's audience. Poor baby...
  • Quark telling Rom about the Ishka's relationship with Zek.
  • Quark and Rom getting showing up in Sisko's office.
  • Leck: "I don't care about latinum." A surreal statement from a Ferengi.
  • Brunt to Quark: "A child, a moron, a failure, and a psychopath. Quite a little team you've put together."
  • The holosuite practice session.
  • Keevan's appearance.
  • The whole running scenes on Empok Nor when they thought they lost their prisoner, then running back to the infirmary when the Dominion ship arrived.
  • Quark, Rom, and Nog's first meeting with Yelgrun.
  • Keevan's final words just after being shot by Gaila: "I hate Ferengi."
  • Yulgrun: "And I thought the Breen were annoying."
  • Puppet Keevan with his tilted head.
  • Puppet Keevan walking into the wall.
  • The Ferengi ambushing the Jem'Hadar and capturing Yelgrun. I especially liked Leck throwing a knife into a Jem'Hadar's chest.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Opening scene, listens to Quark's story. 2. Behind Rom in the bar when he talks to Quark about the holosuite practice session results.


Marvelous; the best Ferengi episode yet. Good connections with DS9: Ferengi Love Songs, with regards to Ishka's relationship with Zek, good connections with DS9: Empok Nor since we get to see Empok Nor again, and good connections with DS9: Rocks and Shoals; we learn the true fate of Keevan. It's a shame we don't get to see Quark tell Sisko the story. I think Sisko would have said something like, "Keevan got exactly what he deserved." Iggy Pop's cameo as Yelgrun was fantastic; the musician makes one hell of a Vorta! The episode features good continuity all around and the team of the six "magnificent Ferengi" is wonderfully constructed and brilliantly played out. I couldn't be happier with this wonderful episode that mixes humor and danger so successfully. Bravo!