Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 5x07 — Let He Who Is Without Sin...


Worf's relationship with Dax hits a rough spot, and he plans to discuss his feelings during their vacation on Risa.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode ends Leeta's relationship with Bashir and begins her relationship with Rom. However, Bashir's relationship with Leeta was previously featured in only one episode (Explorers) and for only a single scene which did not indicate clearly whether or not they would actually ever get together. As such, their breakup is inessential continuity and Leeta's attraction to Rom later on can be understood in context without seeing this episode. Nevertheless, this episode does feature nice texture and character development both for Leeta's love interests as well as the Dax/Worf relationship.

Remarkable scenes

  • Another mention of captain Boday, a Gallamite with a transparent skull.
  • Leeta declaring that she's in love with Rom then Quark and Bashir's subsequent reactions.
  • Worf telling Jadzia a story in which when he was a child he accidentally killed a human boy during a soccer game.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. The first scene, hands a Starfleet officer a flower.


Another attempt at a humor episode finally sparks a dud. We get to see Dax in some interesting clothing again, but the overall plot is just lacking. Some good continuity and decent details in the episode, like the horgon which caused Worf's faux pas in TNG: Captain's Holiday. Bashir's and Leeta's "relationship" in this episode is wonderfully handled. But the plot concerning Worf and the Essentialists is very poor. The idea is sound, and the opening is well handled, but they quickly become annoying with their childish attacks and petty sabotage and totally fail to make a point concerning the Federation's complacency and overindulgence. To me, despite his redemption in the end, it just seems petty that Worf has to ruin the vacation of hundreds of thousands of people before he can talk to Dax about his relationship with her.