Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 5x05 — The Assignment


Keiko O'Brien is taken over by a Pah-wraith.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode establishes the Pah-wraiths. who will become highly relevant later. However their relevance, purpose, and backstory can be understood in context later. This episode also establishes Rom's promotion, but that too isn't necessarily an essential detail as it can be understood in context later. Both details, however, while not entirely necessary are still nice bits of texture to actually see established though.

Remarkable scenes

  • O'Brien meeting a possessed Keiko.
  • O'Brien calculating the time various methods of incapacitating Keiko would take.
  • O'Brien breaking his glass with his bare hand out of anger at his party.
  • O'Brien waking up to a possessed Keiko, briefly forgetting about the possession.
  • O'Brien enlisting Rom for his "top secret operation."
  • Rom and O'Brien figuring everything out.
  • O'Brien using the pah wraith's plan against it.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. First scene in Quark's bar. 2. The final scene, Quark's bar while Rom tells Quark about his celebrations for his promotion.


Another rare episode to mention the fire caves, Keiko was possessed by a Pah-wraith there. One wonders why anyone is allowed to visit such a dangerous place. This is Keiko's episode, which is ironic seeing as how it isn't really her. O'Brien also gets a nice showing; we get to see him interact with his Engineering staff, which kind of like TNG: Lower Decks, is a nice change of pace. I like how Rom figures everything out, proving that he's not as stupid as everyone thinks he is. In fact, he's pretty damn smart; maybe a bit autistic. Oh, and when Dax can't sleep, she scans the wormhole randomly for anomalies. ;)