Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 5x03 — Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places


Quark must fight for honor -- Klingon style.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Julian eavesdropping on the "battling O'Briens".
  • Worf: "I prefer traditional opera performed in the traditional manner." Dax: "You know, for a Klingon who was raised by humans, wears a Starfleet uniform, and drinks prune juice, you're pretty attached to tradition. But that's okay. I like a man riddled with contradictions."
  • Worf in love at first sight when he sees a Klingon woman board the station.
  • Worf's reaction to seeing Grilka embrace Quark.
  • Bashir and O'Brien discussing O'Brien and Kira growing ever so close. ;)
  • Worf attempting to court Grilka.
  • Quark talking to Dax about Grilka right in front of Worf.
  • Worf: "It is customary among her people that the man bring a leg of lingh'ta on the first courtship dinner. Make sure it's fresh, as if you have just killed it. Then use the leg to sweep aside everything else on the table and declare in a loud voice, 'I have brought you this! From this day, I wish to provide food for you and your house! All I ask is to share your company and do honor to your name!'"
  • O'Brien starting to feel as though he's cheating on Keiko.
  • Worf listening to Klingon opera very loud on the Defiant's bridge.
  • Quark describing his successful dinner with Grilka.
  • Quark and Dax reenacting the formation of the Klingon Empire.
  • Odo and Kira discussing O'Brien.
  • Quark telling Grilka that she's worth more than all the latinum in the quadrant.
  • Keiko inadvertently forcing O'Brien and Kira into another uncomfortable situation.
  • Jadzia's "idea."
  • Quark's puppet battle. Awesome.
  • Quark's "Right of Proclamation."
  • Jadzia courting Worf.
  • O'Brien and Kira finally discussing their "problem." :)
  • Quark, Grilka, Worf, and Jadzia all in the infirmary. Gotta love Bashir's reaction.
  • Worf laughing. Now that's something you don't see every day.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Worf attacks him.


A great sequel to DS9: The House of Quark, Worf has fallen in love with Quark's ex-wife. The title of this episode, albeit long, is of course hilarious. This episode is loads and bounds more successful than the first. The various love related character threads floating around in this episode are wonderfully done. Quark pursues Grilka, Worf pursues her too, Dax pursues Worf, and O'Brien and Kira pursue each other, though they don't entirely know it for a while. ;) I don't normally grant ratings of ten to humor episodes, but this one so incredibly profound that exceptions must be made sometimes. While I probably would never grant a humor centric episode such as this the "best episode of [insert Trek show here] award", I still would place this episode on the list of must see episodes for anyone sampling the series. Though, I'd say that about any episode I've rated at ten, now would I. :)