Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 5x26 — Call to Arms


As another convoy of Jem'Hadar ships emerges from the wormhole toward Cardassia, Sisko and his officers face the grim realization that the Dominion is taking over the Alpha Quadrant.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Quark: "Any marriage where the female is allowed to speak and wear clothing is doomed to failure."
  • Another Jem'Hadar convoy coming through the wormhole.
  • Nog discovering that the Romulans signed a non aggression treaty with the Dominion.
  • The whole briefing room scene where Sisko decides to mine the wormhole.
  • O'Brien, Dax, and Rom discussing how to mine the wormhole. I love how Rom was able to think about his wedding and come up with a genius idea for the mines at the same time.
  • Odo and Kira addressing their discomfort with each other.
  • Kira: "So for now, all we need to concern ourselves with is deploying the minefield, maintaining station security, and preparing ourselves for a possible invasion." Odo: "Well I don't know about you, but I feel more comfortable already."
  • Sisko's confrontation with Weyoun.
  • Bashir: "You don't think Starfleet could be persuaded to send us a few more ships, say, fifty?"
  • Garak: "I must say, constable, I admire your composure. You're an island of tranquility in a sea of chaos." Odo: "What I am is useless. My entire staff has been evacuated to Bajor."
  • The Dominion fleet attacking the station.
  • The minefield being deployed.
  • Sisko evacuating DS9.
  • Jadzia announcing she will marry Worf.
  • Sisko's goodbye speech.
  • Sisko: "I promise I will not rest until I stand with you again... here, in this place where I belong."
  • Kira running Sisko's program to sabotage the station. Kira: "Dukat wanted the station back? He can have it."
  • The revelation that Jake is still aboard the station.
  • Dax: "We should rendezvous with the Federation task force in 48 hours." Bashir: "And then what?" Nog: "And then we make the Dominion sorry they ever set foot in the Alpha Quadrant." Sisko: "Cadet, you took the words right out of my mouth."
  • The scene when Kira, Odo, and Quark welcome aboard Dukat, Damar, Weyoun, and the Jem'Hadar.
  • Dukat correctly interpreting the reason why Sisko left the baseball in his office.
  • The Rotarran and the Defiant joining the Federation-Klingon task force.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 190. Hear all. Trust nothing.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. In the crowd when Sisko gives his goodbye speech. 2. In Quark's bar after the Federation personnel evacuate.


Quite possibly one of the best DS9 episodes ever done. Yes, here is where the Dominion war finally, really begins. Numerous major events and major character developments happen here. For one, Rom marries Leeta. Proving that Rom has come a long way from being Quark's second in command, a B-list Ferengi. Now he's married to a beautiful woman. And his technical genius is put to its best use in this episode by O'Brien and Dax. Speaking of Dax, Jadzia and Worf get engaged in this episode. It's interesting to note that it probably wouldn't have happened so soon without the war. Kira and Odo finally deal with their feelings for each other, at least to a certain extent. And then there's Jake. Jake finally got a job! He's a news reporter for the Federation news service. In accordance with his new job, he decided to remain aboard DS9 to report on the ensuing events. His father, furious, finally has to admit that Jake has become a man and can make these decisions for himself. Sisko's speech as he leaves the station is wonderful. Just when Sisko was finally beginning to like his job as commander of DS9 and his appointment as Emissary of the Prophets, it is all ripped away from him. At the beginning of the show, all Sisko wanted to do was get out of there. Now it greatly pains him to leave. Between the political intrigue, the space battle, and the captivating villains, this episode takes advantage of everything the five seasons of buildup has to offer. Truly spectacular, and with a cool episode name to boot.