Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 5

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 5x21 — Soldiers of the Empire


General Martok regains a ship, but his crew is dispirited.

Filler rating: not filler

This is the first episode to feature the Rotarran and Martok's command of the vessel. It's also the episode in which Worf joins the House of Martok.

Remarkable scenes

  • Martok ranting about his insight into the Jem'Hadar.
  • Worf challenging Martok.
  • The Klingons singing into battle.
  • Bashir lamenting about the intelligence business.
  • The revelation that Worf lost the fight on purpose so that Martok would regain his vigor.


A Klingon ship and her crew are the center of attention for the first time in a long while and never has it been done so well. This episode features many nice details, but some remarkable ones are the crew of the Rotarran herself; an eclectic and believable group of demoralized Klingons. Plus the Rotarran itself; we get many beautiful CG renderings of the breathtaking bird of prey. My only complaint is we don't get to see the Rotarran battle the Jem'Hadar, which would have been nice. Besides that, an excellent episode.