Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x09 — The Sword of Kahless


Kor, a revered Klingon warrior, sets out with Worf and Dax in search of a mythical, ancient artifact they believe has the power to unite the Klingon Empire.

Filler rating: partial filler

This episode serves as a followup to TNG: Redemption regarding Worf sparing the Duras boy and TNG: Rightful Heir with regards to Emperor Kahless. It's also the episode in which Worf meets Kor.

Remarkable scenes

  • Quark to Worf: "You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Nothing. Lots of people die and nobody makes any profit."
  • Worf, Dax, and Kor discovering the sword of Kahless.
  • The Duras family trying to steal the sword of Kahless.
  • Worf and Kor arguing over who's to blame for the Duras family's interference.


The return of Kor in this episode is certainly welcome. It's always nice to see a ridiculously old Klingon throwing his weight around. The continuity in this episode is spectacular. It seems the Kahless clone is nothing more than a figurehead; Gowron has all the real power. Unfortunately, this episode falls flat on its face with the bickering between Worf and Kor. I found it all rather childish. The final blow to me is the ending. The episode started off so good in the beginning, then Kor and Worf started fighting, then they agreed to beam the sword into space and not deliver it to the Klingons. What happened to the sword restoring Worf's name and improving Federation-Klingon relations?