Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x06 — Rejoined


Jadzia Dax must choose between her feelings and the rules of Trill society when she is reunited with the wife of one of Dax's previous hosts.

Filler rating: bad filler

Reassociation is relevant again later, but you don't need to watch this painful episode to understand the later stories.

Remarkable scenes

  • Jadzia's magic trick.
  • Quark trying to figure out the specifics pertaining to Dax' relationship with Dr. Lenara Kahn.
  • Kira: "What do Klingons dream about?" Worf: "Things that will send cold chills down your spine and wake you in the middle of the night. It is better that you do not know. Excuse me." Kira: "I can never tell when he's joking."
  • Bashir getting called away on a medical emergency at the dinner. Saved by the bell!
  • Jadzia walking on top of a forcefield!


An episode exploring lesbianism... sort of. The cause is a bit different, the effect is the same. Personally, I don't like this one. Trill society's taboo on previous relationships is frankly absurd. And the episode never tackles it directly. Consider this: isn't the whole point of being a joined Trill to build off the experiences of the previous hosts? The exploration of Jadzia's past relationship is far less interesting than the B plot anyway which is the endeavor to create an artificial wormhole. Unfortunately, it gets very little screen time despite what seemed to me to be remarkable progress, and despite Worf's lack of enthusiasm for the project. ;) A misguided effort of an episode, despite some nice performances.