Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x03 — The Visitor


When a tragic accident causes Sisko to vanish before his son's eyes, young Jake begins a life-long obsession to bring him back.

Filler rating: good filler

This episode is technically filler, but it's some of the best character development Ben and Jake will ever get.

Remarkable scenes

  • Future Jake telling Melanie about the death of his father.
  • Sisko: "I'm no writer, but if I were it seems to me I'd want to poke my head up every once in a while and take a look around, see what's going on. It's life, Jake! You can miss it if you don't open your eyes."
  • Seeing Sisko's death.
  • Sisko appearing in Jake's quarters briefly out of nowhere, confused, then disappearing.
  • Jake talking about all the changes in the timeline due to Sisko's death. The Klingon situation got worse and the Bajorans allied with the Cardassians! Chilling.
  • Sisko appearing again, this time in front of other people.
  • Future Jake telling Melanie that the Federation gave control of DS9 to the Klingons.
  • Sisko appearing to a middle aged Jake.
  • A desperate Jake and Sisko pulled into subspace together, discussing the situation.
  • Future Jake: "I want you to promise me something." Melanie: "Anything." Future Jake: "While you're studying my stories, poke your head up every once in a while. Take a look around. See what's going on. It's life, Melanie." Melanie: "And you can miss it if you don't open your eyes."
  • Sisko appearing in front of his son now an old man.
  • Future Jake: "I've been dragging you through time like an anchor. And now it's time to cut you loose."
  • Future Jake: "For you. And for the boy that I was. He needs you more than you know."
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Standing behind Quark during Sisko's memorial. 2. Pats Jake's shoulder, seemingly sad for him, in Quark's bar in the scene just after the memorial. 3. Not shown, but Nog tells Jake that Morn runs the bar in the future. He talks his customers' ears off and is probably drinking himself out of business. ;)


This is one of the best reset-button episodes ever done. The biggest reason for this is that Sisko retains a memory of his son's efforts to save him across the decades. The reason this is cool is that many reset button episodes are just that; total resets. None of it actually happened. But the way this one played out, Sisko is left with an extremely profound memory of his son's heroic sacrifice in the divergent timeline. It's a nice ride too. Both actors playing Jake did an utterly fantastic job acting their parts, as did Ben Sisko himself. In the end, the temporal paradox is presented very nicely. Future Jake's sacrifice and Ben's resurrection was one of the most moving scenes ever presented in Star Trek. Ben begging his son not to kill himself on his behalf was very sad and very moving. The episode ends with a deeply moved Sisko who has dodged death thanks to the second chance his son gave him. Only he will ever truly know the pain his son went through in the divergent timeline, and I'm sure it changes his life. Bravo, an unexpectedly brilliant episode.