Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x25 — Body Parts


Misdiagnosed with a terminal disease, Quark sells his body parts on the Ferengi Futures Exchange to pay off his debts, then finds himself unable to break the contract.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Brunt accusing Quark of being a philanthropist.
  • Quark seeking to hire Garak to kill him.
  • Keiko explaining morning sickness to Kira.
  • Quark and Garak arguing over the death method.
  • Everyone chiming in to help Quark in the end.
  • Rules of Acquisition; 17. A contract is a contract is a contract. But only between Ferengi. 239. Never be afraid to mislabel a product.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. In Quark's bar in the teaser when Quark announces that he's dying. 2. Talking to a Starfleet officer in the background just after the opening credits. 3. At Garak's shop getting a new pair of trousers. 4. Is one of the people coming in to help restock and refurnish the bar. Morn brings in a chair and sits on it. :)


This is a rather silly Ferengi episode, but a rather clever O'Brien / Kira / Keiko episode. Unfortunately, most of the time is squandered on Quark's silly situation. Very little plot is given to Kira and the O'Briens. This plot would have been worth a few more points if Quark's and the O'Briens' allotted time were reversed.