Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x02 — The Way of the Warrior, Part II


When the Klingon Empire withdraws from its peace treaty with the Federation, Sisko must help Klingon Starfleet officer Worf decide where his loyalties lie.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Worf's reaction to the Defiant having a cloaking device.
  • The Defiant engaging the Klingons and saving Dukat.
  • Dukat: "I find this whole procedure offensive." Bashir: "And I find you offensive."
  • Sisko's bet with Dax.
  • Quark: "I want you to try something for me. Take a sip of this." Garak: "What is it?" Quark: "A human drink. It's called root beer." Garak: "I don't know..." Quark: "Come on. Aren't you just a little bit curious?" Garak takes a sip. Quark: "What do you think?" Garak: "It's vile!" Quark: "I know. It's so bubbly and glowing and happy." Garak: "Just like the Federation." Quark: "But you know what's really frightening? If you drink enough of it, you begin to like it." Garak: "It's insidious!" Quark: "Just like the Federation."
  • Several dozen Klingon ships arriving at DS9 preparing to attack.
  • Bashir: "I'm sure there's more than one Klingon who thinks that slaying a Changeling would be worthy of a song or two." Odo: "Doctor, if a Klingon were to kill me, I'd expect nothing less than an entire opera on the subject."
  • Gowron: "History is written by the victors!"
  • Sisko: "I can assure you, this old cat may not be as toothless as you think. Right now I've got 5000 photon torpedos armed and ready to launch. If you don't believe me, feel free to scan the station."
  • The battle. So awesome.
  • Sisko convincing Worf to stay aboard DS9.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. In the background during Quark and Garak's conversation about the Federation and root beer. 2. Is the first person to enter Quark's bar when it is reopened after the battle.


A roaring ride, part two loses none of part one's momentum. The highlight of the episode is obviously the space battle. Indeed, DS9 isn't as "toothless" as it was in the pilot episode. Nothing like 5000 photon torpedos at your disposal. The thing to discuss about this episode is the behavior of the Klingons. Certainly unexpected. The first reaction is to say, wow, the Klingons sure were a bunch of idiots in this episode. It's easy to make this claim with hindsight, but consider the events in order. The Changelings are revealed to be "everywhere." The Cardassians closed their borders. A political shakeup ensues. The Klingons take this as evidence that the Dominion has seized control of Cardassia. Even Odo says that that's how his people would have done it. So the Klingons invade. Then Sisko interferes with their war and thoroughly offends the Klingons. The Klingons then attack DS9. All a very natural course of events from a Klingon point of view. Sisko manages to convince Gowron of why they were all making a mistake fighting like this, but Gowron remains offended by the Federation having sided against them in battle. So who wins? The Dominion. Nicely played.