Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x19 — Hard Time


After an alien race implants false memories of a 21-year prison sentence into O'Brien's brain, he has trouble readjusting to station life.

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • A disheveled O'Brien in the first scene aged 20 years extra, waking up to his old life.
  • O'Brien lying about being alone in his prison memories.
  • O'Brien's reeducation.
  • O'Brien relieved of duty and freaking out at people, even Molly.
  • O'Brien accidentally killing his inmate friend in the flashback.


A fascinating episode from a science fiction point of view. Similar to what happened to Picard in TNG: The Inner Light. What effect would there be on society if there were no prisons, but in fact you were forced to live the equivalent of years in prison all in your mind, but just in a few hours? I think this punishment method's success rate is overly exaggerated in this episode somewhat. For part of the reason prison is used in society today is to force offenders to be out of touch with society for a certain period of time. Waking up 20 years later and having all your friends and family exactly the way you left them defeats the purpose somewhat. But only partially. Beyond this point, I am very fond of this episode. It's a great O'Brien episode and a very moving one at that. One remarkable detail is the musical score of the episode. It was utterly fantastic all throughout. I was incredibly moved by O'Brien accidentally killing his inmate friend. I only wish the writers had found a way to make this story take place not in a dream world. As incredibly moving as it is and as profound an effect it had on O'Brien, it would have had a much greater effect on the viewer if O'Brien had actually killed someone he cared about accidentally, instead of in a virtual reality. Possibly even rating ten material. Oh well, nevertheless it was yet another high quality offering from DS9.