Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x18 — Rules of Engagement


Worf faces a hearing to determine whether he should be extradited to the Klingon Empire for destroying a civilian ship ...

Filler rating: good filler

There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.

Remarkable scenes

  • The arrogance of the Klingon advocate in the beginning.
  • The flashback testimony. I liked Quark's. :)
  • O'Brien's flashback, detailing the battle.
  • Ch'Pok, regarding switching sides to defend Worf should he be extradited: "What matters to me is the thrill of the fight. Not which side I'm on."
  • The Klingon lawyer provoking Worf.
  • Sisko cross examining the Klingon lawyer.
  • Sisko chewing out Worf in the end for making poor command decisions. :)
  • Worf: "Life is a lot more complicated in this red uniform."
  • Morn Appearances; 1. In Quark's much revised flashback.


This episode is remarkable in that the Klingon prosecutor is a fantastic guest star. Only a Klingon lawyer would thirst for battle... in the courtroom! The directing is also remarkably interesting. Such as Dax describing Worf's demeanor whilst in a flashback fighting him. And Sisko explaining why he selected Worf for this mission whilst in a flashback. Quark gets a similar scene, but he can't get it right. ;) O'Brien gets one too, set during the battle. Worf as well. One problem with the episode though is the seeming hypocrisy of the Klingon prosecutor's entire argument. Klingon history honors conquerors who murder civilians, yet it is illegal for Worf to murder them now? What's the bloody difference? Well, Klingons are very... odd. And the Federation has to respect their... odd laws. I'm not willing to mark this is a technical problem because of this, but it walks the line. The ending is superb, Sisko's last minute new evidence was fantastically presented, leaving us with an original question... why was Sisko defending Worf in the first place? Why, he even chewed Worf out for his decision in the end! Sisko defended him blindly. Awesome. :)