Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x13 — Crossfire


Odo's hidden feelings for Kira interfere with his duty to protect the Bajoran First Minister, who also happens to be attracted to her.

Filler rating: not filler

This episode establishes the Shakaar-Kira-Odo love triangle.

Remarkable scenes

  • Odo perfecting his office and his disposition just prior to Kira's arrival to discuss station security.
  • Quark complaining about Odo making too much noise shape shifting above Quark's quarters.
  • Kira: "It's just Quark's luck that you would be assigned quarters above his." Odo: "Luck had nothing to do with it."
  • Odo: "I have a daily routine which I follow unwaveringly. The shopkeepers on the promenade joke that they can set their clocks by me."
  • Odo and Worf discussing order in their quarters and reasons/methods of deterring visitors. O'Brien has a tendency to drop by a lot and it annoys Worf.
  • Kira asking Odo why he doesn't wear a belt anymore. Odo's response: "It didn't really serve a purpose. It's not as if I needed it to hold my pants up." When she said it looked good on him, he materialized it.
  • Odo smashing things in his quarters.
  • Quark confronting Odo about the noise.
  • Odo denying that he knew the floor renovations he requested had sound proofing in it.


So there's more talk about Bajor's push to join the Federation, this is something I like. It's always nice to see the show advancing its premise. This episode also featured a few nice scenes between Odo and Worf. Though the episode was more about Odo than anyone else. Odo of course is in love with Kira is too afraid to tell her. There are some good scenes between Odo and Quark in this episode too. Their half adversarial half friendship relationship is one of the best character developments of the whole series, and this episode contributes heavily to it. My favorite moment between them in this episode is Odo installing sound proofing in his quarters to make Quark happy, then denying all knowledge of the whole operation to Quark's face. It was a great ending to this otherwise unremarkable episode. Literally, nothing happens in it except we get to watch Odo go through some social pain.