Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x10 — Our Man Bashir


Posing as a 1960s secret agent in a malfunctioning holosuite program, Bashir is all that stands between his trapped fellow officers and certain death.

Filler rating: partial filler

The events of this episode are referenced later in a few minor ways but not in ways that are absolutely essential viewing.

Remarkable scenes

  • Garak barging in on Bashir's holosuite program.
  • Eddington saving the senior officers storing them in the computer.
  • Kira appearing on Bashir's holosuite program.
  • Worf's appearance in the holosuite program.
  • Sisko's appearance in the holosuite program.
  • Rom's modifications to the Defiant. Eddington: "O'Brien's gonna kill me when he gets back..."
  • Garak: "Hmm. Kiss the girl, get the key. They never taught me that in the Obsidian Order."
  • Bashir shooting Garak.
  • Bashir destroying the world in his holosuite program.
  • O'Brien: "What'd you do to my ship!?" His first line after beaming aboard the Defiant.
  • Garak: "Interesting. You saved the day by destroying the world."


Bashir plays Bond, James Bond, in a holosuite program with trusty sidekick Garak. This episode features a rather cliched holosuite malfunction, but the implementation is very original and funny. Characters with names like Mona Luvsitt and Professor Honey Bare and great tributes to the James Bond movies. Kira does a great job with her accent. Worf as Sisko's thug is equally convincing. But my favorite performance is Sisko himself. He makes such a fantastic villain! The ending is fantastic. Bashir ultimately takes Garak's advice, opting to destroy the world and join the bad guy just to keep the holosuite program running a little longer. Doing so saves the lives of the senior officers. A fine show.