Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 4

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 4x01 — The Way of the Warrior, Part I


When the Klingon Empire withdraws from its peace treaty with the Federation, Sisko must help Klingon Starfleet officer Worf decide where his loyalties lie.

Filler rating: not filler

Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

Remarkable scenes

  • Bald, bearded Sisko.
  • Odo playing evil changeling for the station's simulations.
  • So many Klingon ships!
  • Quark measuring the decibel level in the room just with his ears. Hilarious.
  • Dax: "Didn't you play make believe when you were a child?" Kira: "Yeah, I used to make believe that the Cardassians would stop killing the Bajorans and just go away."
  • Odo having breakfast with Garak, just like he said he would in DS9: The Die Is Cast.
  • Garak speaks Klingon!
  • Garak assaulted by Klingons.
  • Bashir: "I can't believe you're not pressing charges! Garak: "Constable Odo and Captain Sisko expressed a similar concern, but really doctor, there was no harm done." Bashir: "But they broke seven of your transverse rips and fractured your clavicle!" Garak: "Ah, but I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos." Bashir: "Garak, this isn't funny." Garak: "I'm serious, doctor. Thanks to your administrations, I'm almost completely healed, but the damage I did to them will last a lifetime."
  • Worf's entrance.
  • Quark's reaction to Worf ordering prune juice.
  • Worf throwing the dart too hard.
  • Jadzia dueling Worf.
  • Garak's "participation" in the briefing room.
  • Gowron's appearance.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. He's harassed by a bunch of Klingons. He's asked what he's doing so far from the Ionite Nebula. 2. At Quark's when Worf enters for the first time. 3. At Garak's shop, buying Vitarian wool undergarments.


DS9 gets a major retooling in this episode and all the little changes add up to a much stronger show overall. Frankly, I wish DS9 started out this way. :) That said, the beginning to this two parter is quite exciting. The Klingons are back to their old ways! The peace treaty is dissolved! The Klingons have invaded Cardassia! Good stuff.