Star Trek: Deep Space Nine reviews — season 3

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine — 3x08 — Meridian


Dax falls in love with a man who will soon disappear with his planet into another dimension for 60 years.

Filler rating: bad filler

The exposition about Odo's love for Kira is done better in later episodes. It's not necessary to sit through this lame episode just to understand the larger arc.

Remarkable scenes

  • Kira sarcastically proclaiming her love for Odo to get rid of Tiron.
  • Quark making a deal with Tiron to get a holographic image of Kira!
  • Quark trying to take a holo image of Kira.
  • Quark: "Isn't there some petty thief you can harass?" Odo: "Just you."
  • Kira sabotaging Quark's holo program.
  • Kira with Quark's head in the holo program. Hilarious!
  • Jadzia unable to shift with her new friends.
  • Morn Appearances; 1. Not technically an appearance, but Kira says she got a message that Morn wanted to see her in Quark's.


This episode is a little ill-conceived. It's nice that they're taking the Defiant into the Gamma quadrant instead of using it as their personal taxi, and it's nice that they're meeting new, non-Dominion people with it in the spirit of Star Trek, but this love story between Dax and Deral is just tiresome. I also found it hard to believe Dax would throw away her career just because she fell in love with alien guy of the week. Finally, it's obvious throughout the whole episode that something will happen to force Jadzia away from her new companion, so nothing comes as a surprise. Frankly, the silly B plot onboard the station is far more interesting to watch. Though the ending is a redeeming quality. Despite the predictability, they do a good job making you feel sorry for Jadzia at the end, which is kind of nice.